#12 3D, BBYCGN

My Favorite Number Is Twelve, Quote

My favorite number is twelve because it is the number of times I watched each episode of Little House On The Prairie minus seven.

Copyright ©BBYCGN

Little House On Prairie, BBYCGN
Beep! Beep!


  1. I think you’d like Little House On The Prairie a lot! It provides the greatest drama along with life lessons without adding nonsensical junk that makes most shows so unwholesome.

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  2. I liked the series too, Tamara, though I hardly can match your enthusiasm.

    For me, its sentiment glows, recalling a happy place, seeing it over a summer vacation visit to my grandparents’ house Back East. Many watching then no longer are with us now, making the memories so evocative, yet bittersweet.

    Plus, there was some synchronicity, as we lived in suburban Chicago at the time, in our own (maybe not so) little house on the prairie.

    The one specific thing which stirs the most intense fondness is the music played over the closing credits and the little girl running through the wildflowers.

    How about you, Tamara, any one moment in particular you enjoy even more than the others?

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  3. The theme song is especially sentimental to me and seeing their little house in the prairie behind the wide open field is tear-jerking. Bittersweet, yes. Even happy memories have a tendency for bittersweetness because we either long for the happy memories, or cringe at the miserable ones.

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