Passive Aggressive

Passive Aggressive Narcissists

Passive Aggressive Narcissists – Update for 2022

After many years, masks fall off. We see past the facade. Maybe it is more accurate to say: we finally learn self-respect so we refuse to put up with the crossing of our boundaries edges any longer. YAY!

When speaking up against a passive-aggressive person, after having decided it’s not okay anymore for them to continue gaslighting, stonewalling, deflecting, backstabbing and smearing us, their false front will drop to their wobbly knees, and display grotesque colors for our view only. It’s quite the shock.

Once a Passive-Aggressive narcissist exposes his/her unmasked self to their victim, their past fraudulent disguise of good tidings will usually not return with the same custom fit, as before. 🤮

Passive Aggressive Narcissist, BBYCGN
Irony in Toxic Personalities

Passive Aggressive Narcissists and Confrontation

Confrontation is a broad term used by many a Passive-Aggressive Personality to encompass all their partner’s misery brought about as a reaction to this abuser’s disrespectful and demeaning statements and/or underhanded behaviors.

The serpent will retract its fangs and take on the victim role while deflecting blame back onto their prey, claiming that confrontation repels him/her. Thus, when conveying injured feelings, the target looks like the unstable, argumentative partner who enjoys starting fights.

In time, the barrage of belittling insults and degrading actions from the Passive Aggressor will become even more hidden beneath a dismal haze of guilt and self-questioning suffered by the accused. 😔

Since narcissists consider genuine emotions a handicap, they manipulate other’s vulnerabilities to their advantage, always on the win as they take full control of relationships.

Without nostalgic memories or tender thoughts over time invested in relationships, these cold-blooded figures slither away with no warning- while filling their tummies with rats, cockroaches, and bats- when inconvenienced by their partner’s confrontations (AKA: battered feelings).

* My goal is to validate the bizarre ironies that exist in Narcissistic Abuse to help ease the loneliness and confusion that many men/women endure as recipients of these personalities. ❤️‍🩹

Copyright ©BBYCGN – All Rights Reserved 😝

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  1. Oh, Tamara, the news simultaneously mortifies and encourages. The former, for obvious reasons, and the latter, because you’ve endured and surpassed.

    Here, you cultivate an audience that appreciates and celebrates your qualities. Those winning traits carry you beyond the screen too, Like attracts like. Eventually, you just might meet some of us too. Hey, you never know.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Looks like government has borrowed a few tips from the passive-aggressive school book.


  3. Maybe my question is a riddle, maybe rhetorical, but what does it mean when a narcissist refuses to admit to being persecuted? I had an encounter with a person along those lines.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Although narcissists often play “victim”, maybe this person refuses to admit “being persecuted” because he/she believes they are too “above” such a “shameful” thing.

    Of course, non-narcissists (who are Christians) find honor in the painful ravages of persecution since Jesus was horribly persecuted.

    Great question!


  5. I read your published poem, and I have a connection with you through my faith in Christ. I can relate to all of that, but for the sake of not being intrusive I won’t expound. Please continue what you are doing, and I’ve read several times that you are a Christian.

    Liked by 1 person

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