Closure After Narcissistic Abuse

Closure After Narcissistic Abuse

Closure does not exist after narcissistic abuse. One cannot talk it out with a narcissistic entity.

It is a cut-and-dry, total ghosting from the predator, leaving the sufferer asking themselves trillions of unanswered questions. This often accompanies the dizzying spin-cycle of cognitive dissonance (as we throw-up in our lime Jello).

The strategy for giving ourselves the soothing balm of closure comprises self-love and the unfamiliar, useful tool of making it an ongoing habit to trust in ourselves. 

To further growth in the recovery process after the exposure to the horrors or Narcissistic Abuse, we need to recognize that trusting in ourselves often comes along with the likelihood of no one else believing in us. Many healthcare specialists underestimate narcissistic corruption. Only those who have experienced the intricate complexities of this type of injury can comprehend its twistedness- no, I don’t think twistedness is a real word.

Narcissistic Abuse, BBYCGN
Narcissists hear what they want to hear

Not only do ruthless natures refuse to acknowledge accountability (except to draw us into more of their abuse), they add further misery via their silent treatments and ghosting antics, which causes their victims to ruminate in a circular search for pliable answers.

Again, the worst part is the sufferer is alone in their aftermath of maddening confusion and tremendous suffering.

For their abuse,

narcissists want

zero exposure;

yet, these Dark Personalities

provide no closure.

To keep their poison

out of our systems,

we desire to voice

their hidden monstrosities;

so it is they, themselves, 

who cause us the need to publicize

their horrific atrocities!

😝 Yeah!

Closure After Narcissistic Abuse

To regain our sense of power and the control stripped from our personhood, we need to go no contact to avoid any distraction from their further hocus-pocus abuse. This means zero exposure to funky Flying Monkeys, too.

Besides self-validation, another important restoration step comprises sharing our experiences with others who have also suffered at the claws of narcissists and their enablers. In this way, we can avoid repressing the details of our injury, and thus deepening the damage to our psyche and emotional health.

Accountability Quote, BBYCGN
Accountability is courageous!

Since we cannot talk it out with the abuser, we can try other forms of outlets to gain closure. Writers pen about their afflictions, poets create poetry conveying their hurt, singers sing songs about their pain, artists paint or draw images of their flashbacks, and public speakers get the word out to society. These are all excellent ways to help ourselves toward healing.

Closure after these toxic encounters is important, and believing in ourselves and accepting our pain is a crucial stage of healing our traumatized psyche.

We will come out of this stronger than ever! Providing our own validation and closure takes patience and time, though.

P.S.- Sorry if this post is a bit repetitive or redundant; I forgot to take my ADHD medication, today.

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Narcissists, Creative Writing

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