Castle drawing, BBYCGN

Shelter of Mental Health, Story Poem

Inside her bedroom

she takes shelter

from the demon’s destructive


If barriers

were soundproof,

she would never hear roar

the sadistic monster


beyond the door.

Night and day,

here, she abides;

and for months

and years,

she hides…

she hides!

Bearing witness

to sundry hues

all trees wear

requires peeping out her window,

which she shall not dare!

Books, a typewriter,

her radio and dolls

are encountered,


within these four walls.

Her traveling mind’s eye

will give furious chase

to any boredom

chancing to enter this place.


she remains here


heavy blankets

on each pane

still hold together.


she will discover

a more dependable shelter

to keep at bay

her traumatized mind’s

own Helter-Skelter.

This story in its entirety culminates to a massive HALLELUJAH(!), through Jesus’ Name! The sun exposes the shocking realities of evil. But the Light of Jesus Christ can purify all darkness!

Copyright ©BBYCGN – All Rights Reserved

Protective Shield Of Terror, Preface Page 1

Absence Of Self, Preface, Page 2

Born A Target, Preface, Page 3

Castle Sketch, BBYCGN
Castle drawing, BBYCGN

Shelter of Mental Health, Preface Poem

Outshining The Darkness Through Jesus Christ!


  1. How fluent are you in monster noises, Tamara?

    Because, seems to me, these creatures aren’t snarling, they’re whimpering. They’re contemplating the moment you realize you’ve been out of your room for years now, and may go wherever you please.

    These monsters may be many things, but they’re not blind. They’ve seen how you bested the most wicked of their lot, the Narcissist. What chance do they have? Just glancing in their direction will crumble most of them.

    Though you don’t need anything more, you also have us along for the ride. Best the creatures remain quiet, and delay for a while getting what the Narcissist had coming to him.

    Liked by 3 people

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