Identity Crisis, BBYCGN

Absence Of Identity Story

Absence Of Identity Story

Despite shame-inducing exploitation,

the greatest abuse

was the absolute absence

of love, concern, or validation

of the girl’s existence.

This was a dismal abyss

of complete nothingness.

Extreme compulsions and obsessions

were the girl’s

unconscious attempts

to relieve the horrifying condition

of a nonexistent self. 

This story in its entirety culminates to a massive HALLELUJAH(!), through Jesus’ Name! The sun exposes the shocking realities of evil. But the Light of Jesus Christ can purify all darkness!

Copyright ©BBYCGN – All Rights Reserved

Shelter of Mental Health, Preface Poem

Protective Shield Of Terror, Preface Page 1

Born A Target, Preface, Page 3

No Identity
Absence Of Identity

Absence Of Self, Preface, Page 2


  1. It is tragic, Tamara. With no external validation, let alone support, the repetition of routine was the only thing saving the girl from Oblivion.

    To think, how fully would she have flowered had her talents and love been encouraged much earlier, as they are for most?

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Thank you, Yusif Ahmed. 🌺 I will continue my memoir here on WordPress.

    I was going to write it to publish, but I do not understand the technology of how to do this.

    So, I will write here! 💥


  3. Another comment with intricate insight, Keith. I truly appreciate it!

    I will continue my memoir here on WordPress since I don’t understand the publishing process of a real life book.

    Thank you for being here!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Thanks Tamara – I’m eager to read more, as always!

    Real-life publishing is, from what I understand, brutal. Authors earn every penny of those royalties. How many good ideas have been lost forever due to the process’s appalling reputation?

    Here, your ideas will live.

    Liked by 2 people

  5. Awe, thank you for this encouragement, Keith. I hear of so many WordPress bloggers putting their words into print and it makes me feel inept. I just cannot figure out how to do it. Plus, having someone help with the process cost lots of money!

    I really wasn’t wanting to publish a book for earnings, but just to get the experience and to know I did it.

    But, I’m all good with it now and at peace.

    Liked by 1 person

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