Memoir, Killing Mommy

Desertion And Perversion, Story

Desertion And Perversion, Story

For many years, her bedroom, while growing up, protected her from her mother, a savage monster devoid of human qualities. The vicious and severe character of this demon, with its brilliance and keen cunningness, haunted the girl at the first bloom of awareness.

The demon’s mask, representing a devoted parent, obscured the minds of outsiders from looking upon its unholy nature. Alas, only the daughter experienced the monster’s emergence of malignancy, which peeled itself out of the simulated skin of motherhood. The monster’s bubbling hatred boiled over, violating every area of the offspring’s life.

This fortress secured protection. As long as the girl remained unseen, the demon would embark on amusing itself through other avenues, temporarily forgetting the sustenance in the next room.


The three-year-old child played outback in the playhouse her great grandfather, her mother’s stepdad, built for the three children. She heard Mommy call to the girl’s older sister and brother to hurry because they were taking off. Mommy hopped into the automobile with the girl’s siblings; Mommy glared at her, got inside the car, heckling, while he drove off, abandoning the little girl. The child cried out.

She wailed in terror as panic seized her. They cast the clueless three-year-old into the world to fend for herself. Her explosion of anguish left her unfit to breathe as she heaved out airlessness in a fit of hysteria. 

After what felt an eternity, he drove to the front driveway as Mommy laughed her head off at the sly trick they had just sported about their daughter. Mommy insisted they vanish to satisfy her warped wonderment of its effect on the young child. 

Note: He was a good man in bad company. It was not his fault. Also a victim of the demon, he was barely a shell.


The girl’s lifeline, her books, enlarged her bedroom 100-fold, transporting her through wondrous places and times, in various spheres, and also highlighted extraordinary characters through whom she could flourish. Different personas materialized as the girl breathed in unison with her new sense of self, whether heroic, sinister, or a wallflower- until replaced with another identity.

Her childhood environment did not endow her with the natural nourishment needed to form an identification of her own. Thus, it was spontaneous for her to take on other’s identities, through books, television, or her rare exposure to others. Though the dreamy, detached state in which the girl existed aided to keep reality’s ugly intrusion at bay, flashbacks often swallowed her whole as she attempted to paddle upward to the mouth of safety.


Looking through a snow globe and seeing a thousand images at once, sickening flashbacks flooded the girl’s thoughts in dark waves.

The four-year-old daughter had grown out of the tiny leotards attached to the skirt. In her youthful glee over the sights, sounds, and scents of the day, the girl did not notice the rear material of her outfit riding up behind her as she half-walked and half-skipped ahead of her older sister, Corina, and Mommy.

Along the way, the demon started taunting and ridiculing the little girl as she jested to Corina in a loud rant, “Look at your little whore sister! Hahaha! She wants to get raped! She chose that outfit because she knew her ass would hang out for every dirty old man who wants to f**k her! Hahaha!” Tears of humiliation blurred the girl’s vision as the monster and the girl’s older sibling pursued her with jeering laughter and profanity. (The demon pitted others against the girl using triangulation methods).

The child cupped her swollen eyes and beet-red face inside her small hands, sobbing, as the perversion continued. She didn’t notice the middle-aged guy shuffling toward her as she slammed head-on into his stomach. The child jerked away from the pedestrian with a shriek of fear as the demon grasped this priceless opportunity in a loud fit of uninhibited chortling. The demon bellowed, “See? She wanted that man to f**k her! I told you how bad your slutty little whore of a sister wants a good raping! Hahaha! I hope I’m there when she gets f**ked by some dirty old man. I wanna watch!”

The little girl’s own wretchedness overtook her. The child sobbed over the loss of a concrete thing that was stolen as the perverted harassment followed her home.

This story in its entirety culminates to a massive HALLELUJAH(!), through Jesus’ Name! The sun exposes the shocking realities of darkness. But the Light of Christ can purify all wretchedness!

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Outshining The Darkness Through Jesus Christ!


  1. Thank you so much, Creative Exiles! As you can see by the adjoining posts, there is much LIGHT amid the darkness (which is what I’m attempting (as a whole) to convey).

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