Overdose, Memoir Entry

Mommy’s Overdose Story

Mommy’s Overdose Story

The girl pined for her mother. She remembered occasions as a child between three-to-five- years-of-age when Mother also showed intervals of maternal kindness through the dense forest of nastiness and cruelty. These insignificant niceties endeared the youngster to Mommy.

However, the girl never knew which cursed moment the demon would replace her parent. She would hug Mommy, and a sudden spray of obscene names and vicious shoves would reject the girl’s embrace.

The sunny day arrived when Mommy departed forever and never returned. The child’s heart mourned this ultimate loss, which was replaced by a soulless monster with sharp glaring eyes (often changing to a vacant reptilian stare) settling upon the girl.

The girl and her two older siblings stayed outside for hours, dirty and hungry, until nighttime graced the moonlight upon their small world. They lingered near his Ford parked in the street while, inside the house, Mommy yelled, beat, and bloodied him with a knife.

When the two younger kids followed their big sister inside, the children discovered Mommy ingested an overdose of drugs. he drove Mommy to the emergency room. The three youngsters assembled alone in the bedroom, discussing life without a mother. The girl’s older sister mentioned a boy in school who had no mom, just a dad. Thus, the older sister encouraged the two young ones, “We will be okay with just a daddy.”

As the children conversed about the imminent death of Mommy, the girl felt herself disconnecting. Ungrounded, with nothing real or concrete to attach herself, the aura was a sensation of profound aloneness.

The girl, six-years-old, was heartbroken over the imagined passing of Mommy. But seasons later, she would yearn for the demon’s demise via her mother’s countless overdoses.

This entire story culminates to a HALLELUJAH(!), through Jesus’ Name! The sun exposes the shocking realities of darkness. But the Light of Christ can purify all filth and horror!

Copyright © BBYCGN – All Rights Reserved

Overdose, Memoir Entry
Purple Overdose


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