Shock And Confusion, Memoir Entry, BBYCGN

Shock And Confusion Story

Shock And Confusion Story

The piercing vibrations of shattering glass hitting the hard kitchen floor along with the escaped amber fluid splashing against the seven year old’s legs resulted in Mommy weeping. “Oh, nooo… Daddy’s gonna be so mad at me for dropping it! And he won’t buy me another one…!” Her mom continued to sob loudly. The daughter’s heart ached for her mourning mother. Tenderly, the girl soothed her. “You can tell Daddy I dropped the bottle and broke it. Okay? It’ll be all right, Mommy. Please don’t cry.”

Then, the demon called Daddy at work to report the girl’s horrible behavior at breaking the glass container of liquor. After hanging up the phone, the demon screamed at the child, mercilessly, for smashing the bottle. She wouldn’t let up on the wailing girl. Between broken heaving breaths, the girl pleaded, “But, Mommy… I didn’t break it… Remember…? You dropped it. I just said you could tell Daddy I broke it so he wouldn’t be mad at you. Mommy… ???” Buried beneath shock and a young child’s deep, unexplainable confusion, the demon’s lashings continued.

Copyright ©BBYCGN – All Rights Reserved

This entire story culminates to a HALLELUJAH(!) of forgiveness and growth, through Jesus’ Name! The sun exposes the shocking realities of darkness. But the Light of Christ can purify all filth and horror!

Tamara Yancosky


  1. The girl, young as she was, was way more emotionally mature than was Mommy. And…and…infinitely more loving and caring than was the Demon. In fact, neither solace mitigated the Demon’s fury.

    Shouldn’t the opposite have been true? Isn’t a parent’s deepest instinct to protect and to nurture? A reality your existence proclaims, as it charmed your own parenthood.

    That the abused and terrified girl became a loving mother is an extraordinary achievement, Tamara.

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