Words Stumble - Poem

Words Stumble – Poem

Words stumble upon the splendor

of the great peaks the trees rise,

without requiring airline tickets

to reach infinite skies.


Rich echoes of an owl’s foresight

advocating a vital purpose

enchants human understanding

of which no words dare to explain.


Words falter upon the dignity

of the brazen blue mountains

furnishing the backdrops

which the severity of elements cannot wane.


Woodsy jasmine bouquets

and wild ferns of liquid rainbows,

after a sudden shower,

swoon at each sense which no words affect.


Above all, 

words stumble and altogether cease

never nearing the wholeness of love

and solidity of devotion

embraced within

the deepest rooted layers of my heart

for my cherished young adult children. 

Words Stumble

Definition of Unconditional Love

Copyright BBYCGN – All Rights And Other Stuff Reserved

©Tamara Yancosky

Words Stumble, BBYCGN


  1. You mean, besides Snoop Dogg hawking salsa along with Martha Stewart? Because NOBODY saw that one coming. (Rolls eyes.)

    I can say right now, Tamara, even sight-unseen, yours will be, like, 1,001 times better.

    Now, can I endure the suspense?

    Liked by 1 person

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