Buzz Word, NPD Abuse, BBYCGN

Chronic Fatigue In Narcissistic Abuse Victims

The diabolical games and wounding drama that narcissists create cause chronic fatigue. Elaborate words do not fit into an exhausted victim’s vocabulary. Thus, the global go-to buzz term WTF??? emerged. It’s easier and faster to say than Cognitive Dissonance. 

Before the narcissist encased my mind into a chronic fatigue-induced giant bonbon of thick fog (with no way out), I never had a reason to utter the words, “WTF???”… ever. 

In fact, if narcissists lost their innate ability to jolt each victim’s brain into a 24 hr per day disagreement with itself, then a different buzz term might prevail, such as “TIBS” (“Totally Immune to your B.S”).

But as it stands, “WTF???” free-flows from the lips of each male and female Narcissistic Abuse victim involuntarily. It’s what’s for dinner.

For God is not a God of confusion but of peace.

1 Corinthians 14:33

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  1. Great explanation, Tamara!

    Part of the reason “WTF?” has such persistence is that we are, despite it all, hopeful, idealistic, creatures. Thus, the Narcissist’s depravities are difficult to accept at first.

    “He can’t be all bad,” we think, and then when he is, “WTF?”. Again and again.

    Fortunately, the corollary is true too. Thus, when we’re worn down and defeated, taking the continual insults for granted, someone happens into our lives who reminds us the Narcissist isn’t the end-all-be-all. Then it’s “WTF?” of quite a different sort!

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