OOPS! Epoxy Resin Art (Beginner)

Epoxy Resin Art Blunders (Beginner)

Beginner- that’s me. I wanted to try epoxy resin art! Like most projects, the initial preparation and cleanup job- at the end- was the far more time consuming than the actual project, itself.

Note: temperature, perfect ratio of Epoxy Resin A to Epoxy Resin B, mixing speed (avoid bubbles), cleanliness of molds before pouring, too many add ins or too little color, and several other details are important factors to obtain a beautiful sculpture. Since it was my first time to experience this type of artwork, I made several blunders. LOL

Take notice of the various mistakes and mishaps in the captions below the epoxy mold images. 😊

Copyright BBYCGN – Tamara Yancosky


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