Choose Life, BBYCGN

Children of Mine! Published On Spillwords

By: Tamara Yancosky

Published on Spillwords:

Children of Mine,

Salted sapphire holds fast

as hearts steep into wells of past;

suffer not, dear children, these wailing sounds,

as we wrestle ourselves to ancient grounds.

Do not surrender to earth’s deadly lust,

nor suffocate underneath her barren dust.

Let not our transgressions rest upon your sweet heads;

but sleep in peace beneath the love He bled.

Smolder not to ash as we, ourselves, deserve;

but tread the linear path, resisting the wide curve.

Take not to heart the inferno beds we made,

but choose Life through Jesus Christ which will never fade!

As parents, we don’t want our children to mimic our mistakes, but history often repeats itself. Spiritual maturity blesses us with the saturation of God’s wisdom upon our lives. We can change the course of yesteryear thru the rebirth of living a better example today.

Copyright ©BBYCGN  – Tamara Yancosky – All Rights Reserved 

Children of Mine, BBYCGN
Children of Mine


  1. Oh, you like this poem? I keep thinking I need to change it around a bit. But the meaning is most important.

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